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Help for the Rape Victim - Resource Guide

NCJ Number
R Hydock
Date Published
19 pages
Written with a special focus on Pennsylvania, this resource guide discusses the rape victim's needs, how rape crisis centers help, how to start a rape crisis center, and 11 guidelines for successful centers.
The booklet presents rules for a rape victim to follow that will ensure evidence preservation and help for the victim. The guide emphasizes that a rape victim needs four basic modes of help: information and emotional support; prompt, complete, and sympathetic medical treatment; unbiased, sensitive treatment by police investigators; and reasonable protection from harassment if she decides to report the crime and serve as a witness. Recommendations concerning police involvement in handling rape victims include increasing the number of investigators assigned to work rape cases and establishing a separate division to handle sexual assaults, instituting special officer training about rape and using rape crisis centers as a resource, and having a female photographer available to take any necessary pictures. In addition, the guide offers recommendations for the court and correction system to ensure the legal rights of the victims and encourage prosecution. A list of rape crisis centers in Pennsylvania is included.