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Hearing the Internal Trauma: Working With Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused

NCJ Number
Sandra Wieland
Date Published
246 pages
This book offers therapists an innovative clinical model for understanding what happens within a sexually abused child.
Combining the latest research findings in child development, early attachment, sexual abuse, and trauma with extensive clinical experience, this book assists therapists in not only recognizing signs of a child's or adolescent's abuse but also developing effective therapeutic interventions. The author first describes how children and adolescents present themselves in therapy, identifying how distress from abuse can be exhibited in their play, conversation, and behavior. Then, using a carefully balanced combination of psychoanalytic, behavioral, and cognitive therapies, the author imparts a psychodynamic, trauma-focused therapy design especially for abused children and adolescents. Including illustrative case examples of play or conversation as well as the therapist's thought processes, the book describes therapy with children, adolescents, and their nonperpetrator or perpetrator parents. Also included is a discussion of the effects a therapist's own experiences and internalizations can have on the therapeutic process. The book is intended for therapists, social workers, mental health practitioners, and interns who work with this client population. 163 references and a subject and name index