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Health Reform for Communities: Financing Substance Abuse Services

NCJ Number
Date Published
26 pages
This report presents a policy panel's recommendations on funding for substance abuse treatment.
One recommendation is that substance abuse treatment be financed through the same sources that fund general health care. Another is that prevention should be adequately financed through a combination of public and private-sector funding sources. The panel advises that the Nation must make a commitment to adopt and enforce cost containment mechanisms to control the rise in health-care costs throughout the health care system; substance abuse prevention and treatment in and of themselves are essential components of any overall health-care cost containment strategy. A fourth recommendation is that there should be universal and timely access to substance abuse diagnosis and appropriate treatment services. Also, a broad continuum of substance abuse treatment services must be available and accessible to all. A sixth recommendation is that substance abuse treatment should be managed and coordinated with essential human services to encourage the delivery of appropriate, cost-effective care. The final recommendation is that the standard health-care benefits should cover the cost of clinical preventive education; brief intervention counseling; and referral for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems. 17 references and a list of panel members