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Health Disparities and Violence Against Women: Why and How Cultural and Societal Influences Matter

NCJ Number
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Dated: April 2007 Pages: 90-104
Tricia B. Bent-Goodley
Date Published
April 2007
15 pages
This research review examines the cultural and societal influences that impact health and health disparities among women survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV).
Stigmatization, the preservation of secrecy, and patterns of seeking help through informal service providers are the prevalent experiences and patterns of women of color who experience IPV. These factors pose barriers to seeking and obtaining effective health services for women IPV victims. There are also barriers to receiving effective health services within health-care institutions themselves. There is a lack of physician training in addressing IPV, inadequate health-screening tools for IPV victims, stereotyping and labeling by health-care providers regarding the characteristics of IPV victims, a lack of cultural competence in dealing with minority IPV victims, and language barriers. Systemic factors that obstruct the reception of effective health care for IPV victims include racial/ethnic discrimination, poverty, and immigration status. In addressing these health-care disparities for IPV victims who are women of color, tools and measures must be designed to determine the meaning of culture for the patient. There should also be greater collaboration across service disciplines and systems, so as to take into account the distinctive needs of IPV victims. Intervention research should be expanded in order to determine best practices for working with IPV victims from diverse cultural groups. Cultural competence should be required of researchers and those who work within systems of care. Support and guidance should be provided to researchers of color regarding the funding and publication process. Researchers who are familiar with the distinctive needs and problems of minority women are uniquely qualified to set agendas for culturally relevant research on services for IPV victims of color. 109 references