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He Was Making Fun of Me: A Red Flag Carry-Over Crisis

NCJ Number
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Dated: (Winter 1995) Pages: 46-51
N J Long
Date Published
6 pages
The Red Flag Carry-Over Crisis approach is described for dealing with situations in which students tease others or fight and the problem escalates to crisis proportions.
Students may overreact to some typical frustration such as teasing with unusual intensity and anger. Their degree of anger may be significantly out of proportion to the frustration and may be uncharacteristic of their usual behavior. This type of crisis can be an opportunity for personal learning if managed properly. Intervention goals should be to recognize the student's behavior as unusual and out of proportion, to identify and control counteraggressive feelings and focus on student needs, to defuse the student's emotional behavior, to help the student identify the real source of his or her anger, and to help the student identify patterns of self-defeating behavior and accept the consequences of that behavior. An example of how to handle students who fight in the classroom is detailed.


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