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Hawaii Judicial System Master Plan, Volume 3: Evaluation of Existing Judicial Facilities

NCJ Number
Date Published
151 pages
This third volume in a four-volume final report on the Hawaii judicial system master plan evaluates existing judicial facilities according to criteria of spatial, operational, and physical adequacy.
The 22 facilities were visited, photographed, and assessed in order to provide an objective comparison of facilities against a series of prioritized criteria. The facilities were scored according to both a weighting and a rating system: Each criteria was given a numerical value to distinguish the importance of the criteria. Highest weighting was given to the facilities' present and future spatial adequacy. Second priority was given to operational adequacy in terms of the size, configuration, and location of individual spaces within the facility. Lowest weightings were given to the physical character of the space/structure, systems, and finishes. Finally, a usage factor was applied to all facilities to draw a distinction among facilities in urban areas serving large volumes of people on a daily basis and those serving the public only 1 or 2 days a week or even only once a month. Evaluation reports for each facility include photographs, descriptions, an assessment of each of the criteria, a numerical evaluation, and recommendations for improvements.