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Handbook for Women in Conflict With the Law in Nova Scotia

NCJ Number
C Fillipoff
Date Published
54 pages
A women's guide to the criminal justice system in Nova Scotia explains arrest, trial, sentencing, and parole procedures and describes the Province's two correctional facilities for women.
The guide covers an individual's rights with regard to arrest and search, detention facilities for women, legal aid, and bail. Also explained are trial procedures, presentence reports, sentencing options, and appeals. The section on prison explores child custody issues before describing the Halifax County Correctional Centre and the Kingston Prison for Women. Other prison matters discussed include transfers, grievances, mail, abortion, and divorce. Rules governing parole, release, and pardon are detailed. The guide provide names and addresses of agencies that may be helpful to women before, during, and after a conflict with the law. Statistics on female offenders and prison inmates in Nova Scotia are supplied.