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Handbook on Private Sector Options for Juvenile Corrections

NCJ Number
Date Published
161 pages
This handbook assists directors of State juvenile corrections and their staff in deciding whether to contract with the private sector for juvenile residential facilities and correctional services.
When government considers the use of profit and nonprofit private sector correctional services, such programs must meet professional standards, provide necessary public safety and services equal to or better than government, and be cost-effective compared to government operations. The manual details private sector options for juvenile corrections in seven substantive sections. The first section deals with community advisory boards and public/private partnerships, while the next two sections examine the private sector as contractor and the feasibility of converting from government-managed to privately run juvenile corrections. The final four sections cover the development of a request for proposal and the proposal review process, the development of a contract for the private delivery of correctional services, contract monitoring, and the development of an operational plan. An appendix provides information on public correctional policy regarding private sector involvement in corrections. A selected bibliography and a glossary are included. References and photographs