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Handbook of Police Discipline, Part A and Part B

NCJ Number
Date Published
312 pages
The two parts of this Handbook of Police Discipline for England and Wales provide guidance for "friends" who defend officers at disciplinary hearings and guidance for chief officers in the management of police complaints and disciplinary procedures.
The first part of the handbook guides the "friend" in the defense of an officer in a disciplinary hearing. A "friend" applies a specialist's knowledge of the disciplinary procedures, marshals evidence to support the officer, presents the case to the presiding officer, and ensures that the hearing is conducted fairly. The guidelines in this section of the handbook outline the manner in which a complex disciplinary charge can be handled from beginning to end and recommends ways to handle typical difficulties that may arise. The second part of the handbook provides guidelines to chief officers on the management of police complaints and disciplinary procedures. It first presents the statutory provision that governs complaints against police, police discipline, and appeals. This is followed by the delineation of the responsibility within forces for handling complaints and disciplinary matters. A major section specifies action on receiving a complaint, followed by a section that indicates procedures for informal resolution of the complaint and formal investigation. Other sections address consideration of and action on investigation reports, functions of the Police Complaints Authority, information and assistance for complainant and the officer involved, the roles of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Constabulary and Police Authorities in relation to complaints, disciplinary arrangements for officers, and disciplinary appeals. Appended relevant regulations and procedures