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Handbook for Human-Resource Planning in Criminal Justice Agencies, Volume 2 - Diagnosing Human-Resource Problems

NCJ Number
J K Hudzik; D W Hayeslip
Date Published
627 pages
This text presents three diagnostic surveys, with detailed directions for use, that will enable administrators to deal with internal and external factors affecting personnel practices.
An Organizational Climate Survey taps employee perceptions about work and personnel practices that may provide clues to the quality of organizational life and the level of employee morale. The survey should be administered repeatedly to establish a standard against which to interpret its findings. The Personnel Practices Survey requires factual, as opposed to evaluative, information about personnel practices and can be used with the Organizational Climate Survey to give administrators a description of an agency's internal atmosphere. A third diagnostic tool -- the Environmental Factors Questionnaire -- assesses external conditions and factors affecting personnel planning. It should be completed regularly by a few senior administrative staff. Chapter notes and some diagrams are supplied. For other volumes on human resource planning, see NCJ 86367 and 86369; for a summary of the series, see NCJ 86366.