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Handbook for Human-Resource Planning in Criminal Justice Agencies, Volume 1 - An Introduction to Agency Human-Resource Planning

NCJ Number
J K Hudzik
Date Published
123 pages
This self-instruction guide introduces the field of human resource planning -- what it is, how it is carried out, and how it can help the criminal justice agency manager.
Human resource planning determines what an agency needs to do to ensure that it has the right number and kinds of people doing the right jobs well, now and in the future. It can be used to forecast resources and environmental influences on personnel, examine the effects of personnel practices, predict personnel problems, and plan their resolution. Above all, human resource planning should be research- and resolution-oriented. Staff needs can be met after goals are determined, problems defined, alternatives tested, and forecasts made, taking environmental and organizational data into account. Notes and a subject index are included. For other volumes on specific planning strategies, see NCJ 86368-69. For the executive summary, see NCJ 86366.