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Hand-held Ticket-issuing Computers

NCJ Number
Field Training Quarterly Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Dated: (1992) Pages: 36-41
D J Roberts; K J Peters
Date Published
6 pages
Police departments throughout the United States are adopting in increasing numbers the use of the hand-held computer.
Used primarily in parking enforcement, hand-held computers enable officers to issue computer-generated citations and to simultaneously check a vehicle for outstanding tickets. These lightweight and battery-driven systems, which also have applications in the issuance of moving violations, contain enough memory to hold as many as 40,000 records. The units automatically time- and date-stamp each ticket issued and serialize the citations and thus provide a record of the officer's daily activity for later management analysis. Operational experiences in Michigan, Utah, California, and Kentucky illustrate the contribution of hand-held units to the increased number of tickets and citations officers can issue; the success of hand-held units in reducing the number of tickets lost and fines that have gone uncollected due to illegible, handwritten citations; the indirect revenue savings that can be realized with the automated ticket/citation systems; and various complaints about the automated systems.