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Hampton Police Division Take Home Car Evaluation Report Planning and Analysis, March 1986

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
This 1986 evaluation of the Hampton Police Division Take Home Car Program analyzed the maintenance and operating costs and accident records of take-home and general purpose fleet vehicles, examined off duty activities of program participants, and surveyed citizen attitudes toward the program.
Compared to fleet cars, take-home cars showed lower maintenance costs ($.16 versus $.19 per mile) and overall operating costs ($.17 versus $.20). For 1985, the total cost of operating 55 take-home cars was $113,757.27, as compared to a cost of $115,179.09 for 24 fleet vehicles. Off-duty services provided by program participants during 1985 included 1,231 service calls, 38 arrests, 21 misdemeanor summonses, and 152 traffic summonses. Take-home officers logged 94,991 miles in 3,777 off-duty hours. Accident records indicate that preventable accidents have declined considerably since the program's inception: in 1985 there were 20 preventable accidents, with only 4 involving take-home cars. Survey responses of 320 citizens (21.3 percent response) indicate that 83.8 percent felt more secure with the take-home car in their neighborhood, 84 percent wanted a take-home car in the neighborhood, and 88 percent felt the program should be continued. Overall, results show that, as a result of the program, improved police services are being provided at lower cost. Tables and survey results.