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NCJ Number
Behavioral Sciences and the Law Volume: 11 Issue: 4 Dated: (Autumn 1993) Pages: complete issue
R M Wettstein
Date Published
115 pages
This journal examines several issues related to the current "gun crisis" in the U.S.
The first article examines public opinion regarding Virginia's recent legislative attempt to stem the flow of firearms from Virginia to other cities and States. A criminal justice researcher from Kansas City describes that city's Federally funded program to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Several behavioral scientists empirically address critical issues related to the possession, carrying, and use of guns by juveniles. These issues include motivations for gun use among serious juvenile offenders, the increasing rate of juvenile homicide, and the use of guns by juveniles to kill their parents and stepparents. The final article examines Federal and State laws aimed at preventing firearm possession by mentally ill persons. Chapter references


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