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Guideposts for Community Work in Police-social Work Diversion

NCJ Number
Federal Probation Volume: 44 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1980) Pages: 3-8
H Treger
Date Published
6 pages
Based on the Police-Social Team Model developed at the Jane Addams College of Social Work in Chicago, seven guideposts to setting up such community-based corrections programs are offered and discussed.
These guideposts are designed to give social workers and administrators the background needed to understand the process of entry into a community, to develop working relationships with community members, and to become a partner in social welfare program development. They are: (1) talking with agency heads and selling them on your idea, (2) following the guidance of the agency head, and (3) effecting beginning and continuing support by community officials. In addition, the goals and objectives of the program and their priorities should serve as a guide to community involvement. Further, in order to successfully develop a program the social program developer must have workable relationships and become a partner in community development. Moreover, programs of social provision should be designed to fit the needs of the people being served. Finally, the development of a new program in a community can be understood from a systems perspective. These guideposts are amply illustrated with examples from the program developed in Chicago and in other locations. Five footnotes are included.