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Guidelines for the Evaluation and Structuring of a Driver Training Process for Law Enforcement Personnel

NCJ Number
Cheryl L. Hartwell; Joseph O'Connell
Date Published
110 pages
This handbook from the National Task Force on Law Enforcement Driver Training is designed to develop a model driver training curriculum for police officers.
Hoping to reduce the number of police vehicle crashes and injuries to police officers, this handbook from the National Task Force on Law Enforcement Driver Training presents guidelines for the development of a comprehensive driver training program. Beginning with legal aspects of law enforcement driving, this manual presents training modules discussing the statutory laws, case law, agency polices, and principles of liability that govern non-emergency police driving and vehicle pursuit, offering lecture and exercise suggestions for teaching students about the legal issues involved in police driving. The next module of this manual documents components of driving that lay the foundation for the development of good driving habits and presents acceptable vehicle control methods in order to discuss non-emergency response driving. Objectives for the next component of this manual on emergency response driving include teaching officers how to identify the factors that influence their perceptions and judgments during an emergency response. Focusing on the issue of training facilities, this handbook presents a series of maps of various States’ driver training facilities in order for different driving tracks to be compared. This manual ends with a series of appendices presenting driving course and instructional terminology glossaries and evaluation device skills assessment charts and exercises.

Grant Number(s)
Sponsoring Agency
US Dept of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Admin

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, West Building, Washington, DC 20590, United States

Corporate Author
International Assoc of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training

2521 Country Club Way, Albion, MI 49224, United States

Sale Source
International Assoc of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training

2521 Country Club Way, Albion, MI 49224, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Training (Handbook/Manual)
United States of America
*This document is currently unavailable from NCJRS.