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Guide to Internal Loss Prevention

NCJ Number
R L Wesley; J A Wanat
Date Published
118 pages
This book suggests management security procedures in the areas of general administration, computer security, financial management, information security, facilities security, personnel, and safety.
Administrative security procedures are examined in such areas as the reproduction department, mail handling, stationery and supplies, printing, telephone abuses, and expense accounts. Computer security is reviewed in terms of both physical security and software security. The accounting department, asset accountability, cash handling, fidelity bonding, expense account auditing, check-signing devices, insurance, and timekeeping and payroll manipulation are considered under financial security procedures. Topics discussed under information security include counterfeit goods, classified information, and computer trespass. Topics examined under management considerations include work simplification, lost time, theft of service, investigations, and executive protection. Highlighted under facility security are design, the site audit, locks and keys, maintenance and custodial procedures, and sabotage. Other topics considered are security procedures for the production area, personnel security procedures, and safety considerations. Subject index.