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Guide to the Illinois Domestic Violence Act

NCJ Number
Illinois Bar Journal Volume: 98 Issue: 5 Dated: May 2010 Pages: 250-254
Laninya A. Cason
Date Published
May 2010
5 pages
This article provides an overview of the provisions of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act (IDVA).
With a powerful arsenal of civil relief centered on its order of protections, the IDVA expands domestic violence laws to protect victims of abuse and ensures offenders receive education and treatment that helps prevent recidivism. The IDVA protects anyone abused by a family or household member; any high-risk adult with disabilities who is abused, exploited, or neglected by a family member; any minor child or dependent adult abused by a family or household member; any person who lives with a person who has been abused by a family or household member; and persons who work at a private home or public shelter that is housing an abused person. A petition for an order of protection may be filed by a person who has been abused by a family or household member; or by any person related to or otherwise on behalf of a minor child or adult who because of their age, health or inaccessibility, cannot file the petition on their own behalf. Any person may also file a petition for an order of protection on behalf of a high-risk adult with disabilities.


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