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Guide for the Development of State and Local Emergency Operations Plans

NCJ Number
Date Published
119 pages
This Civil Preparedness Guide (CPG) provides information to emergency management planners and State and local government agencies on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) concept of multihazard, functional emergency operations planning. This CPG meets the need for Federal guidance on functional planning for requirements common to all hazards, including mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
The first chapter provides general information on the applicability and scope of this CPG, supersession, authorities, references, and information reporting requirements. The introductory chapter covers the scope and description of emergency operations planning, the planning process, and plan content and format. Elements of the basic plan include the introductory material, purpose, situation and assumptions, concept of operations, organization and assignment of responsibilities, administration and logistics, plan development and maintenance, authorities and references, and definition of terms. A sample emergency operations plan is included as are chapters dealing with functional annexes and hazard-specific appendixes.