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Guide to the Design and Development of an Equal Employment Opportunity Program

NCJ Number
R W Boyd; G Bennett
Date Published
34 pages
A reference document for agencies that receive Department of Justice (DOJ) funds, the guide describes the required components of an Equal Employment Opportunity Program (EEOP) and explains why the Office of Civil Rights Compliance requires these specific data.
The guide illustrates what actions recipient agencies must take to insure compliance by outlining a sequential process for complying with equal employment opportunity guidelines. It can also assist recipient agencies in updating personnel management systems and insuring that selection procedures are job related and valid. Thus, the guide's purpose is to facilitate the design, implementation, and evaluation of an EEOP that meets all the DOJ requirements. The process of preparing an EEOP involves these steps, which are described in detail: writing a statement of commitment, conducting a workforce analysis, analyzing recruitment and selection procedures, describing employment opportunities and personnel operations, planning improvements in personnel operations, monitoring and evaluating personnel/EEO progress, and implementing new programs. This guide also defines an EEOP, describes the legislative history of the DOJ requirements and program guidelines, summarizes these requirements, and delineates the activities requisite to the development of an EEOP. Figures are included. (Author summary modified)