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Guidance for Community Hazmat Response Plans

NCJ Number
Date Published
July 2000
18 pages
This document provides guidance for community hazardous materials response plans.
The document is arranged so that sample plan pages are followed by instructions and explanations. The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) requires Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) to develop site specific emergency response plans for those sites within their jurisdiction that have one or more "extremely hazardous substances" at or above a given threshold quantity. Fire Fighter Right-to-Know (FFRTK) requires that the chief of an organized fire department prepare and disseminate to each firefighter a plan for executing the department's responsibilities with respect to each site within their jurisdiction where hazardous chemicals are used or produced. Hazardous Waste and Emergency Operations (HAZWOPER) requires employers (fire departments, in this case) to train all employees who may encounter or respond to a hazardous material incident. The Emergency Management Division (EMD) of the Department of State Police will review and comment on plans submitted by LEPCs for compliance with SARA requirements only. Local fire departments are responsible for their own FFRTK and HAZWOPER plans and are not required to submit plans to EMD for review and comment. The document includes copies of suggested forms, along with plan development instructions. References