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Guards Released From Prison: A Natural Experiment in Job Enlargement

NCJ Number
Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 14 Issue: 4 Dated: (1986) Pages: 283-294
C A Lindquist; J T Whitehead
Date Published
12 pages
To provide a 'relief valve' for prison overcrowding, the Alabama Department of Corrections instituted a program for the community supervision of selected inmates by correctional officers. Since these officers were placed in a role very similar to that of parole officers, a condition akin to a natural experiment in job enlargement occurred.
Accordingly, it was hypothesized that officers in this program would report more positive attitudes and/or perceptions regarding personal accomplishment, professional orientation, and job satisfaction than two representative samples of institutional officers and probation/parole officers, respectively. Analysis supported the hypothesis and indicated that officers in the program enjoyed providing human services to offenders. Since no convincing evidence of a Hawthorne effect was found during a follow-up study conducted one year later, several implications of the study for expanding the correctional officer's role in providing human services within the prison environment are presented for consideration. (Author abstract)