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Grown-Up Abused Children

NCJ Number
J Leehan; L P Wilson
Date Published
112 pages
This book describes the characteristics, needs, and problems of adults who were abused as children.
The authors explain how childhood victimization can later result in low self-esteem, poor interpersonal skills, helplessness, sexual disorders, nightmares, and other problems. The analysis focuses on the development, nature, and relationships among these problems. The authors also detail a group therapy program that their own work has shown to be effective in helping adults who were abused as children come to terms with their past victimization. The discussion of this group therapy program explains its goals, the group characteristics, the possible complications that can arise during the course of the therapy, and the role of the leader. Case studies are presented throughout the text to (1) clarify the relationships between the abusive experience and the problems in adulthood and (2) illustrate the benefits of the group program. 12 references.