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Group-Based Module for Adolescents to Improve Motivation to Change Sexually Abusive Behaviour

NCJ Number
Child Abuse Review Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Dated: May-June 2001 Pages: 150-169
Gary O'Reilly; Tony Morrison; Declan Sheerin; Alan Carr
Date Published
20 pages
This article describes a group-based intervention for adolescents specifically designed to improve motivation to change sexually abusive behavior.
The intervention is intended to be used as a single module within a comprehensive treatment program based on cognitive behavioral and relapse prevention principles. It uses the Prochaska and DiClemente (1983, 1986) model of the stages of change and Morrison's (1998) seven steps in contemplating change. It combines these two models to produce "11 Steps of Motivation and Action in Changing Sexually Abusive Behavior" and these 11 steps are the foundation of the intervention. The paper describes how the 11 steps are used, with accompanying illustrative vignettes and question cards describing juvenile sexual abusers at various points along the continuum of change, in order to promote acceptance of responsibility for abusive behavior and development of skills to prevent reoffending. The paper also highlights the possibility of future applications of this intervention with male adult abusers, adolescent and adult female abusers, parents groups, significant other groups, individual clients, and children with sexually aggressive behavior. Figures, references