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G.R.E.A.T. Program: Stopping Gang Violence Before It Starts

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 47 Issue: 2 Dated: February 1999 Pages: 73-75
T Schneider
Date Published
3 pages
The Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program was developed to supplement law enforcement's efforts to eradicate youth violence by teaching children the life skills needed to avoid violence and gang membership.
Taught by uniformed officers in partnership with classroom teachers using proven interactive teaching techniques, the curriculum centers on helping youth become responsible members of their community by instructing them in how to resist peer pressure, to set goals, and to resolve conflict without violence. The program addresses such issues as cultural sensitivity, understanding why people join gangs, what other avenues of support are available, and how gangs and violence affect the community. Taught in middle schools throughout the country by 3,125 certified instructors, the program has repeatedly demonstrated the ease in which it can be replicated in any community with a commitment to stop youth violence. A cross- sectional evaluation has documented the benefits of the program. Students who graduated from the G.R.E.A.T. course showed lower levels of delinquency, impulsive behavior, risk-taking behavior, and approval of violence. They also demonstrated higher levels of self-esteem, parental attachment, commitment to positive peers, anti-gang attitudes, perceived educational opportunities, and positive school environments. Due to the program's dependence on the interaction among schools, police departments, and the community, it is important that all parties remain committed and cooperative in order for the approach to succeed.