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Grand Prairie Police CAD Communication Center

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 56 Issue: 4 Dated: April 2008 Pages: 26-28,30
Thomas Manson
Date Published
April 2008
4 pages
This article describes the integrated software communication solution used by the Communication Center of the Grand Prairie Police Department (Texas), which is a medium-sized agency facing metro-sized issues and calls for service due to its location in the middle of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.
The integrated software provides an interface for computer-aided dispatch (CAD), a geographic information system (GIS), emergency medical dispatch (EMD), records management software (RMS), corrections management software (CMS), mobile support services online, civilian-based reporting, and bar coding of property and evidence. It is also being integrated to make mug shots and other previously inaccessible agency data available to officers in the field from within their own units. Through their mobile units, officers can do almost everything in the field that they can do in their offices. This enables personnel to be more productive by keeping them available for dispatch while increasing their visibility as a deterrent. The integrated software communication solution is from Tiburon, a company that provides fully integrated command and control, information management, and analysis solutions to public-safety and justice organizations throughout the United States and abroad. The Grand Prairies Police Department began its consultation with Tiburon in 1986 and has been guided through many upgrades in the software used throughout the years.

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Technical)
United States of America