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Governor's Task Force on School Violence

NCJ Number
Systemstats Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Dated: June 1993 Pages: 1-5
Date Published
5 pages
This article reports the findings of a survey of all 129 public school systems in North Carolina to assess the amount of school violence.
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction's survey measured the level of school violence by asking the 129 public school systems (all of which responded) to detail the number of arrests and suspensions (in-school, short-term and long-term) for violent acts and weapon possessions on school property. A total of 989 students and 70 outsiders were arrested for committing acts of violence on school property. In addition to arrest data, the survey also generated data on suspensions for being involved in a violent act; 28,816 students were suspended in some manner for being involved in an act of violence on school property. In order to compare counties and control for varying student populations, the survey also calculated suspension rates. The report includes 12 recommendations to control and prevent school violence. It also discusses several community and school programs and support groups already in operation to address both school violence and overall societal violence. Figures