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Government of Japan Summary of the White Paper on Crime 1994

NCJ Number
Date Published
127 pages
This White Paper examines the crime trends and circumstances of offenders in recent years in Japan, with priority given to 1993; a special section focuses on the "internationalization of offenses and offenders."
Data on 1993 crimes address the number of offenses reported and cleared, the crime rate and clearance rate, and trends in major crimes. The number of Penal Code offenses reported by the police in 1993 was 2,437,252, an increase of 3.5 percent over the previous year, mainly due to the increase in larceny and professional negligence and gross negligence that caused death or bodily injury. The section on treatment of offenders encompasses data on prosecution, trials, the prosecution and trials of juvenile offenders, corrections, and rehabilitation. The section on selected offenses and offenders addresses drug offenses, traffic offenses, juvenile delinquency, organized criminal offenses, and offenses committed by mentally disordered offenders. The final section provides data and information on the internationalization of offenses and offenders. Data pertinent to immigration control are followed by data on trends in crimes committed by foreigners, criminal dispositions against foreigners, the treatment of foreign inmates and juvenile offenders, internationalization in the rehabilitation of offenders, the internationalization of offenses, international cooperation in criminal justice, and foreigner offenses and offenders in other countries. 91 tables and 13 figures