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"Golden Parachutes" and Gangbanging: Taiwanese Gangs in Suburban Southern California

NCJ Number
Journal of Gang Research Volume: 12 Issue: 4 Dated: Summer 2005 Pages: 59-72
Kay Kei-ho Pih; Kuoray Mao
Date Published
14 pages
This study explored gang membership among economically affluent immigrant Taiwanese youth in Southern California.
Past research on Asia youth gangs and gang-related delinquency generally cast the Asian gang problem as a problem spawned by structural disadvantage and adjustment problems among old ethnic enclaves. Current gang research, however, has uncovered gang activity in Southern California suburban communities that has been linked to economically affluent residents. The current study explored why the economically privileged backgrounds of immigrant Taiwanese gang members failed to prevent gang involvement. Personal interviews were conducted with 22 respondents currently or previously involved with recognized gangs; all respondents were Taiwanese and all except 1 were male. Interviews focused on biographical and familial information; socioeconomic background; relationships with friends, family, and school; reasons for joining a gang; organization of the gang; criminal activities; and relationship to mainstream society. Respondents reported the traditional gang affiliation motivations of righteousness and loyalty but also reported money as a motivation for maintaining gang involvement, somewhat surprising given their privileged economic status. Many respondents eventually withdrew from gangs, perhaps due to their high economic status and their positive prospects for a legitimate life. The authors plan to continue their studies on Taiwanese gangs in Southern California. References


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