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Going Door to Door: Often the Best Way To Solve a Crime Is To Canvass the People in the Neighborhood

NCJ Number
Police: The Law Enforcement Magazine Volume: 30 Issue: 7 Dated: July 2006 Pages: 36-38,40
Ramesh Nyberg
Date Published
July 2006
4 pages
This article discusses the rationale for and effective procedures for a door-to-door canvassing of residences surrounding a crime scene.
One of the first tasks a lead detective should have on his lead sheet is the canvassing of the residents of the neighborhood of the crime. It is not unusual that a killer, rapist, arsonist, or robber will live in the immediate neighborhood where he/she committed the crime under investigation. Canvassing not only may identify suspects, it also uncovers witnesses who may have either witnessed the crime or suspicious persons or vehicles in the vicinity at the time of the crime. Residents may also have information about victims and possible suspects who live in the neighborhood. Canvassing is also an important tool in police-community relations, as it ensures residents that the police are being thorough in their investigations. There are a number of guidelines that are important in conducting effective canvasses. Officers selected for canvassing must be courteous and nonthreatening in their interactions with people, know the right questions to ask, how to listen to the answers, phrase followup questions, and be sensitive to nonverbal cues associated with deception and unwarranted stress. A good neighborhood canvass should be door-to-door. Names and birth dates should be obtained for everyone who lives in each home. If possible, all of the residents should be spoken to, even if that means coming back to the house later. The canvass should be started as soon as possible after the crime is known to the police. Other issues discussed are the scope of areas to be canvassed and questions that should be asked.