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Globalization, Frontier Masculinities and Violence: Booze, Brokes and Brawls

NCJ Number
British Journal of Criminology Volume: 50 Issue: 3 Dated: May 2010 Pages: 393-413
Kerry Carrington; Alison McIntosh; John Scott
Date Published
May 2010
21 pages

This study examined the impact of globalization in the resources sector on the culture of violence in frontier communities.


Over the last two decades, two new trajectories have taken hold in criminologythe study of masculinity and crime, after a century of neglect, and the geography of crime. This article brings both those fields together to analyze the impact of globalization in the resources sector on frontier cultures of violence. This paper approaches this issue through a case study of frontier masculinities and violence in communities at the forefront of generating resource extraction for global economies. This paper argues that the high rates of violence among men living in work camps in these socio-spatial contexts cannot simply be understood as individualized expressions of psycho-pathological deficit or social disorganization. Explanations for these patterns of violence must also consider a number of key subterranean convergences between globalizing processes and the social dynamics of male-on-male violence in such settings. Figures, table, and references (Published Abstract)