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Global Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM): Executive Summary

NCJ Number
Date Published
2 pages

This document summarizes the importance of building a Federation, noting its benefits such as user convenience and interoperability; Global Advisory Committee’s recommendations regarding federated identity deployments; and the GFIPM project’s role in the justice community.


This informational document provides a summary of how justice organizations can share information with new partners while securely safeguarding data, maintaining privacy, reducing administrative burdens, and providing their users the simplicity of a single sign-on. The document discusses the benefits of Global Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM), which is the Global Advisory Committee’s recommended approach for development of interoperable security functions in authentication and privilege management for information exchange among cross-domain justice information sharing systems. It also highlights the importance of building a Federation for secure and trusted information sharing, and provides information about the Bureau of Justice Assistance.