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Global Efforts to Engage Men in Preventing Violence Against Women: An International Survey

NCJ Number
Violence Against Women Volume: 19 Issue: 7 Dated: July 2013 Pages: 924-939
Ericka Kimball; Jeffrey L. Edleson; Richard M. Tolman; Tova B. Neugut; Juliana Carlson
Date Published
July 2013
16 pages
This research note expands on the limited body of knowledge about men's engagement in preventing violence against women.
This research note expands on the limited body of knowledge about men's engagement in preventing violence against women. One hundred and sixty-five individuals representing organizations from around the world participated in a brief online survey about their efforts to engage men in violence prevention. This study reveals a large and diverse global community working to engage men in preventing violence against women. The level of involvement is broad, from locally contained organizations to global collaborations. This study is a first step toward building a comparative knowledge base to inform program design and implementation. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage.