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Glimpses of Juvenile Probation

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1986) Pages: 58-60
J V Jeyasingh
Date Published
5 pages
After a summary of the history and philosophy of juvenile probation in India, this article describes the content of the probation officer's presentence report and the nature of probationary supervision.
In India, the operation of juvenile courts and corrections is specified in the Children Acts and the Probation of Offenders Act 1958. Probation is used selectively, based on a probation officer's study of the juvenile and the particular situation, to promote rehabilitation goals. The probation officer's report generally includes information related to the nature of the petition, previous court record, family history, home and neighborhood, school experience, religious affiliation, leisure activities and special interests, mental and physical condition, and child and parental versions of and attitudes toward the case. When a juvenile is given probation, the presentence study data are used to diagnose the juvenile's major needs and problems as well as to develop a supervisory plan. Probationary supervision is not intended as punitive control but rather as the judicious application of authority to guide the juvenile toward attitudinal and behavioral change. The probation officer is also responsible for managing elements of the probationer's milieu to foster the probationer's positive development. Constructive probation is undermined by high officer caseloads that prevent the development and implementation of individualized treatment programs. Juvenile probation is enhanced when the police provide helpful case information to probation officers and when magistrates instruct offenders in the nature and objectives of probation. 6-item selected bibliography.