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Geometric Morphometric Approach to Sex Determination of the Human Adult Os Coxa

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 55 Issue: 4 Dated: July 2010 Pages: 859-864
Joan A. Bytheway, Ph.D.; Ann H. Ross, Ph.D.
Date Published
July 2010
6 pages
Sex determination of the human skeleton is best assessed from the os coxa. The present study explored the possibility of using three-dimensional landmark coordinate data collected from various landmarks located over the entire bone to determine whether there were significant sex differences local to the landmarks.
Thirty-six landmarks were digitized on 200 African-American and European American male and female adult human os coxae. MANCOVA results show that sex and size have a significant effect on shape for both European Americans (Sex, F = 17.50, d.f. = 36, 63, p greater than F = 0.0001; Size, F = 2.56, d.f. = 36, 63, p greater than F = 0.0022) and African-Americans (Sex, F = 21.18, d.f. = 36, 63, p greater than F = 0.0001; Size, F = 2.59, d.f. = 36, 63, p greater than F = 0.0005). The discriminant analysis shows that sexing accuracy for European Americans is 98 percent for both males and females, 98 percent for African-American females, and 100 percent for African-American males. (Published Abstract)