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Gender, Social Justice, and Criminology -- A Review of Growing Up Good: Policing the Behavior of Girls in Europe

NCJ Number
Social Justice Volume: 17 Issue: 3 Dated: (Fall 1990) Pages: 85-90
J A Martin
Date Published
6 pages
The book reviewed in this article presents the essential components of a feminist alternative to traditional criminological approaches. The core of this approach would be to discard male-oriented measures of justice and instead focus on the substance of criminal justice systems, particularly those in Europe, and how they can be changed.
The first two sections discuss the interactions between ideas of women's roles in European society, definitions of crime and deviance, and beliefs about self-sufficiency and dependence. Two sections detail some of the ways in which women are mistreated by the criminal justice and penal systems in England, Wales, France, Germany, and Italy. The final section outlines feminist-oriented options for responding to the needs of young females involved in criminal justice systems. 17 references


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