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NCJ Number
School Safety Dated: (Winter 1994) Pages: 8-11
M T Weaver
Date Published
4 pages
Elements of a standardized school crime reporting system are described.
Under the proposed Safe Schools Act of 1993, schools and districts facing high rates of crime, wishing to qualify for funding, would be required to assess and report the incidence of school crime and violence. A statewide standardized reporting system that provides accurate and consistently collected data on school crime from all school districts is a requisite. An effective statewide school crime data system requires standardization, training for all personnel involved, and the monitoring of and assistance in applying consistent reporting procedures. Reference points to be considered when establishing or refining such a statewide system include defining the categories of school crime to be reported, creating a set of standardized reporting forms and procedures to permit accurate analyses of crime problems and appropriate allocation of resources to schools for use in eliminating school crime, determining the timing of the reports to be filed, defining the purpose of data on school crimes, training of personnel assigned to collecting data to ensure consistent application of the crime classifications, monitoring the reporting system, and funding of the crime reporting program to assure adequate staff and resources. A summary of recommendations to school administrators to assist in the creation of a positive school environment are included.