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Gangs and Social Order in Chinatown

NCJ Number
K Chin; J Fagan; R Kelly
Date Published
520 pages
This report presents estimates of extortion, other forms of victimization, and an analysis of the structure and dynamics of juvenile gangs operating in the Chinese communities of New York City.
The study used five research strategies to collect data, including a business survey, followup study, gang study, and indepth interviews with police officers and Chinese-American community leaders. The report dealt with various aspects of gang organization in Chinatown, including the severity of gang victimization, patterns of gang extortion, victim reactions to gang extortion, individual and group characteristics of Chinese gangs, gang violence, the gang as an enterprise, law enforcement efforts to control Chinese gangs, and a theoretical framework to explain gang formation in the Chinese community. 5 figures, 30 tables, 16 appendixes, and 380 references


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