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Gang Officer's Perception: Measuring Intervention Propensity Among Gang Investigators

NCJ Number
Journal of Gang Research Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Dated: Summer 2012 Pages: 37-51
Blake Lafond; Shruti Mehta; Richard Hayes
Date Published
15 pages
This study examined the effectiveness of prevention and intervention strategies used by gang investigators.
Intervention strategies are becoming more of a consideration in the gang reduction paradigm. Comprehensive gang reduction models necessitate the inclusion of intervention strategies designed to remove gang members and gang-prone youth and adults from current or potential gang membership. The growth of gangs and gang membership in North Carolina and the renewed focus on gangs have begged a comprehensive approach to reducing gangs within the State; however, the success of intervention strategies depend upon the support of law enforcement officers. The research entailed a survey of 204 gang investigators from across the State at a statewide conference. The results revealed that perceived gang presence and length of work with gang-prone populations were significantly correlated with intervention propensity. Length of work was also significantly related when controlling for confounding variables. Future directions and recommendations are also discussed. (Published Abstract)


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