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Gang Education, Assessment and Planning System, Volume I, Second Edition

NCJ Number
Date Published
43 pages
As part of a coordinated process initiated in 1981 to cope with rising gang violence in Los Angeles County, the Los Angeles County Sheriff recently commissioned the development of a gang education, assessment, and planning system.
The system encompasses information and worksheets that are intended to help assess the extent and nature of gang presence in or impact on a given community. Data gathered using the forms and procedures should provide a basis for intelligent planning and programming to combat gangs. A step-by-step methodology is outlined for initiating a community mobilization process to recover communities from gangs. The methodology requires the establishment of a Target Area Coordinating Committee to plan, develop, and maintain multiagency programs and activities directed at gangs. The gang education, assessment, and planning system guide contains information on common gang lifestyle characteristics, gang behavior indicators, levels of individual gang involvement, stages of gang development, and gang graffiti. Included are a gang control assessment guide, a community resource inventory worksheet, a recovery process methodology worksheet, and a target area strategy.


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