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Gang Awareness Manual for Citizens

NCJ Number
R Sanders
Date Published
24 pages
This manual helps the population of Springfield, Illinois, to recognize and resist street gang problems.
The first section provides background information and a history of street gangs. The following sections focus on the individual's interaction with a gang: the reasons why juveniles join gangs, characteristic pregang behavior (e.g., sudden changes in friends and attitude, sudden interest in tattoos and pagers, poor school achievement and truancy), behavior indicating gang involvement, and four different levels of gang membership. Next, gang recruiting and initiation techniques are described. Communities are warned of the destructive impact of gang-related crimes (e.g., vandalism, assaults, car theft, drug violations, and shoplifting) on local business--not only because of increased repair/maintenance costs but also because of the loss of customers. The most detailed section is devoted to distinguishing characteristics and behaviors of gang members: the wearing of "colors" and registered trademark clothing and the use of graffiti, monikers, hand signals, and street gang terminology. The manual concludes by suggesting ways of discouraging children from joining gangs.


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