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Gallery of Security

NCJ Number
Security Management Volume: 36 Issue: 9 Dated: (September 1992) Pages: 126- 130
F G Stoks
Date Published
5 pages
Because public archives have the greatest requirement for access and tend to have larger and more complex premises than private or commercial archives, the problems of archival security are also more complicated.
Most archival material, including newspapers, photographs, periodicals, letters, books, notes, and paintings are unique and irreplaceable. Archival materials are threatened by theft and damage, vandalism, and storage and handling problems, including inappropriate temperatures or humidity, moisture, ultraviolet light, toxic and corrosive gases, vermin, smoke and fire damage, and excessive or careless handling. There are three basic approaches to archival security. Protection by design includes architectural design, structural design, and building services design. Protective services technology encompasses fire protection, environmental control systems, emergency power supplies, flooding protection, and security systems. Security management resources must support security technology to ensure an effective archival protection program.