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Future of National Justice Statistics and Information in Canada (issued in two numbered volumes)

NCJ Number
Date Published
300 pages
This two-volume report presents detailed recommendations for coordinating Canada's national criminal justice statistics system. It is based on an extensive study of the existing system and its problems.
The study arose from concern over problems in accessibility, reliability, and comprehensiveness of current national criminal justice information and statistics. It was conducted by a work group established by Canada's deputy ministers responsible for criminal justice. Study areas included the current system's development, specific information needs identified by the provinces and by the Federal agencies, a profile of national information needs, and current resources and problems. Criteria for evaluating possible future systems and five possible options for a future organizational structure are also presented. Additional subject areas include the issue of privacy and confidentiality, the development of systems technology as applied to the justice community, and the experiences of other jurisdictions. It was concluded that the coordination, development, and implementation of a national justice statistics program should be accomplished by a national justice statistics center operating as an organizational arm of Statistics Canada. In addition, the Statistics Canada satellite should be evaluated after 3 years to determine whether its operation meets national requirements. If it does not, an independent center should be established. Additional chapters describe the various kinds of justice agencies, present working definitions and methodologies, and suggest specific activities for a model national justice statistics capability. Figures, tables, and a bibliography listing 72 references are included.


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