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Funding Resources and the Pretrial Field, 1979

NCJ Number
D Fitzgerald
Date Published
9 pages
This booklet provides up-to-date information on available funding resources in the pretrial services field. It includes a review of Federal, State, and local agencies' current funding initiatives and summarizes any new sources of funds identified in 1979.
At the Federal level, LEAA and the Department of Labor have contributed significantly to pretrial services. At the State and local level, only one new resource has been identified that may be able to influence the allocation of monies to pretrial programs -- the Judicial Planning Commissions. Overall, the funding outlook for 1979 appears bleak. Most Federal agencies are maintaining current demonstration programs but appear to be supporting few, if any, new program models. This applies also to State and local governments, which are faced with operating from reduced tax bases. The key to continued funding is coordination and perseverance. A list of 1979 LEAA demonstration projects is appended.

