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Function of Juvenile Detention as Perceived by Referral Sources

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice Review Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1982) Pages: 57-62
T R Hughes; N A Reuterman; D L McGibany
Date Published
6 pages
This study surveyed referral agents in a midwestern county detention facility to identify what they thought the goals of juvenile detention were and whether they were similar to the public's erroneous belief that detention provides either institutional punishment or treatment.
The results were analyzed with respect to selected independent variables, such as the respondent's type of position and geographic location. They indicate that referral agents (police and social service personnel) generally misunderstand and distort the function of detention. An erroneous assumption that these personnel understand the detention function they recommend, can do serious damage to young people not warranting secure custody, and can impede justice system functions. Although variations in knowledge occur among communities and regions, more education and training are needed among agents nationwide. Study data and six references are supplied.


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