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FrogAncestryCalc: A standalone batch likelihood computation tool for ancestry inference panels catalogued in FROG-kb

NCJ Number
Forensic Science International-Genetics Volume: 46 Dated: 2020
H. Rajeevan; et al
Date Published

This article profiles the features and suggests the uses of a downloadable stand-alone tool, FrogAncestryCalc, that can simultaneously compute population likelihoods for multiple individuals for a selected panel of SNPs.


The web-based application, FROG-kb (the Forensic Resource/Reference on Genetics-knowledge base, https://frog.med.yale.edu) supports the use of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) for individual identification and ancestry inference in a forensic setting. The primary function provided by FROG-kb on the web is computation of relative likelihoods of populations being the origin of an individual, using the underlying reference population allele frequency data curated and organized in ALFRED, the ALlele FREquency Database (https://alfred.med.yale.edu/). The program calculates for a given Ancestry Inference (AI) panel the probability of each individual’s genotype profile arising in each of the reference populations. Five of the AI panels catalogued in FROG-kb are implemented in this version of FrogAncestryCalc. (publisher abstract modified)