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NCJ Number
J LeFeuvre
Date Published
75 pages
This booklet is for women who want to change or get out of an abusive relationship.
It begins with a series of questions that may help the reader assess her own victimhood status. Then come reasons why men batter, and wrong reasons for staying in an abusive relationship. The first order of business is to protect oneself and one¦s children, and that may mean leaving. Self- esteem, awareness of rights, and economic prospects are extremely important; denial of abuse is dangerous. Guidelines are provided for when to call the police, how to phrase the request for assistance, what to do when they arrive, and what the police can do. For victims who choose to leave, there is an inventory of items to take. For custody purposes, it is best to take the children or get them as soon as possible--with police protection if necessary. Guidelines are also provided for getting a lawyer, detecting signs of sexual abuse in the children, how to enhance job skills, and how to cope with separation from the partner. The booklet closes with a list of books and organizations to consult for further information.


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