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Frequently Asked Questions by Federal Prisoners About the Parole Procedure

NCJ Number
Date Published
15 pages
In addition to answering 55 questions about the parole hearing and the parole process for Federal prisoners, this booklet lists the conditions of release for Federal parolees.
An explanation of parole distinguishes it from probation and outlines the three-fold purpose of parole. Information on parole eligibility is followed by questions and answers that pertain to applying for parole and preparation for the hearing. Information on the hearing encompasses who may go into the hearing room with the inmate, who will be present at the hearing, and the hearing procedure. How the Parole Board decides whether or not to grant parole is also discussed. The situations that affect the parole decision are outlined, along with the options available to the inmate should parole not be granted. The time frame for release after being granted parole is also noted, followed by information on release plans, obtaining employment prior to parole, and other issues pertinent to complying with parole conditions. Other topics considered in the questions and answers are the length of time under parole supervision, parole violations, substance abuse treatment during the parole period, and procedures for a revocation hearing.


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