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France (From Probation in Europe, P 85-121, 1981, C G Cartledge et al, ed. - See NCJ-86328)

NCJ Number
M F Petit; J P Robert
Date Published
37 pages
This discussion of probation in France considers law enforcement and the administration of justice as well as the organization and working methods of the probation system.
The police in France are commissioned to record any offense and produce evidence to establish the identity of the offender. Judicial police bring evidence of an offense to judicial authorities and help them decide how to proceed with the case. The Prosecution Department determines whether it is advisable to prosecute. Under specific conditions, a victim may initiate a prosecution when the prosecutor has decided to waive the case. Courts include (1) the police court, responsible for petty offenses; (2) the tribunal correctionnel, competent to judge major offenses; (3) the assize court, an intermittent jurisdiction; and (4) courts of appeal. Categories of sentences are the death penalty, imprisonment, and fine. Probation consists of suspension of sentence under probation conditions, which if violated, causes the implementation of the original sentence. Probation cannot be less than 3 years nor more than 5 years. A local probation staff consists of education welfare officers and social workers. Volunteer helpers are also used. Probation Comittees, the agency responsible for local probation services, work with private and volunteer community organizations in providing services for clients. The goals of probation are the rehabilitation of the client and the prevention of recidivism. The probation officer is expected to establish a relationship with the client, assess his/her needs and interests, and develop a service plan, which is to be regularly reviewed for possible modification in response to changing situations. Each officer may consult a team of officers for consultation in particular cases. An officer is responsible for coordinating client services provided by other community organizations. A list of key addresses is provided, and sentencing data are included for 1973-80.


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