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A Framework for Managing Drug Court Performance

NCJ Number
Drug Court Review Volume: 2 Dated: Summer 2019 Pages: 63-89
Fred L. Cheesman II; Courtney E. Broscious; Matthew Kleiman
Date Published
27 pages

This article provides a systematic process for developing, implementing, and sustaining a performance management system; it identifies critical performance measures and a highly-participatory strategy for key stakeholders to develop performance targets and measurement strategies.


This article discusses the need to use performance measurement for drug court program improvement; it presents a novel and programmatic methodology that uses performance measurement and performance management to attain desired improvements. The multi-step process described in this article provides drug courts with a systematic data-driven method to measure and assess performance and, if necessary, to take corrective action. The steps of the process are: selecting performance measures; selecting performance targets for performance measures; selecting platforms for storing, analyzing, and reporting performance data; providing straining staff to use tools to manage court performance; and implementing a plan to regularly incorporate new developments in research and practice into the performance management system.